( of notes) raised half a tone in pitch a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate ( like the initial sound in the English word` yeast '). (指音符)升半音的舌头位于上腭附近发出的半元音(象英语单词“yeast”中的首音。
The rapid alternation of two tones either a whole or a half tone apart. 颤音两个相距一个音或半个音的音的迅速交替。
Characteristic: High open area, good toughness, elasticity and precise plate making etc., Used in printing fine line, pattern, geometrical design, half tone, etc for rotary printing machine. 特点:具有开孔率高、韧性、弹性好,制版精密等特点;用于圆网印花机印制精细线条,花形,几何图案、云纹及深浅二层次等花型。
Supplementary exposures such as flash exposure of bump exposures may be required to make a good half-tone negative. Also called the "detail exposure". 要获得优良半色调负片,可能要加补助曝光,例如闪光曝光或无网曝光。
In this paper, direct platemaking technology is briefed, frequency modulated half tone dot technology ( principles, characters and technologics) is emphasized. 本文简述了直接制版技术,着重叙述了调频网点技术,包括原理、特点及技术。
Do you know that more than half of our ideas or feelings are expressed by our tone of voice, our facial expressions, our gestures and the way we position our body when we speak? 你知道我们的多数想法或感情都是由我们说话时的语气、面部表情、手势和身体的姿势所表达的吗?
In the printing process, a continuous tone picture image in the original is converted in a half tone image on the printed material by using screen dots printing technique. 印刷工艺过程中,原件上的连续调画面是通过网点印刷技术转换成印刷制品上的半色调影像的。
Rotary Screen Printing with Half Tone Ombre Effect 云纹半色调的圆网印花
Several Considerations in Colour Half-Tone Screen Printing 彩色阶调丝网印刷中应注意的几个问题
Adjusted relative to one word tone, two word tone Korean students more extensive errors: first tone downward trend, second tone can not go up, half third tone rise, not fall, fourth tone is in place high flat tone or not more down. 相对于单字调,韩国学生两字调的偏误比较广泛:阴平呈下降势,阳平上不去,半三声不降反升,去声高平或降不到位等等。